
Thank you for visiting cloudBRAT, my handle is JugglingCoder and I am the original creator, developer and coder of this website.  Throughout many years and decades I always liked to write information down and organize it so I could quickly retrieve that information when needed.  Filing cabinets were great back in the day but its hard to carry file cabinets all around the world (I have lived in various places).

I tried many software "Personal Information Managers" but with every one there was always an issue or issues that just didn't get it right.  Most were way more than I needed or too professional, some were too expensive, many were too complicated and on and on.  I just wanted something where I could freely organize things in categories and basically get some text down.

So, being the coding guru I am, I thought, "shouldn't be that difficult, I'll just quickly code it up myself."    That's exactly what I did and now we have cloudBRAT.  I added a few more features I thought it needed like Linking, Image Upload, etc. along with the simple and easy way to add and move around pages / categories. There is still work to be done and features to be added (retaining simplicity) but the App is working great in it's current form as what I had imagined.

I hope people will get a benefit out of it's use!